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GS: BridA – Plantportation / Q-modul – otvoritev razstave

13 maja, 2021 @ 19:00 - 21:00

BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica
Plantportation / Q-modul, 2020-2021

Galerija Simulaker // 13. maj – 5. junij 2021

[ English version below ]

Raziskovalni projekt Plantportation je zastavljen kot večplastno vstopanje v dimenzijo kvantne prepletenosti in s tem v možne teoretične posledice in interakcije, med katere spada tudi kvantna teleportacija. Ideja je iz znanstvene plati predstavljena z različnimi teorijami, ki nam nikoli ne podajo jasne predstave o kvantni dimenziji. Dejstvo, da obstaja kvantna prepletenost in s tem tudi možnost kvantne teleportacije, je potrjeno in dokazano s številnimi znanstvenimi eksperimenti kot so Loophole-free Bell inequality (John Stewart Bell, 1964), Ground-to-satellite quantum teleportation (Anton Zeilinger, Jian-Wei Pan, 2017), Google’s quantum supremacy (Alphabet Inc., 2019). Pri vsem tem najbolj intrigira to, da si tega pojava še vedno ni mogoče razložiti. Znanost namreč priznava, da obstoječe teorije niso dovolj za razumevanje celotnega kvantnega polja in da imajo trenutno znani pojavi še veliko večje potenciale, kot si jih predstavljamo, ljudje pa za razumevanje potrebujemo bolj otipljive rezultate. Znanstvena fantastika iz teleportacije in njej podobnih pojavov gradi plodno literarno in filmsko produkcijo, ki znanstvene izsledke interpretira kot magičnost ali kot posebne efekte, kar pa kvantno naravo potisne še bolj v ozadje.

Namen umetniškega kolektiva BridA je zgraditi medprostor, ki si ga z obstoječimi mentalnimi vzorci težko predstavljamo. V obliki raziskovalnega modula bo omogočal, da umetniške ideje združimo z znanstvenimi pristopi. Raziskovalni projekt Plantportation se osredotoča na kvantno prepletenost in kvantno superpozicijo, ki predstavljata jedro aktualnih znanstvenih raziskav kot so kvantni računalnik ali izjemno hiter prenos informacij. Prostor in čas postaneta spremenljivki, opazovalec pa medij skozi katerega se udejanja kvantna teorija.

BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica

Kolektiv BridA, ki ga sestavljajo diplomanti beneške Akademije lepih umetnosti Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango in Jurij Pavlica, se je formiral med študijem leta 1996. Ustvarja lastno umetniško produkcijo na širokem polju sodobnih umetniških praks, razstavlja tako doma kot v tujini, poleg tega pa sodeluje tudi v številnih mednarodnih rezidenčnih programih, na delavnicah in seminarjih. Večkrat je bil povabljen h kuriranju festivala intermedijske umetnosti Pixxelpoint v Novi Gorici, organizira in vodi pa tudi lasten mednarodni rezidenčni center ter festival sodobnih umetniških praks R.o.R. v Šempasu. Dela kolektiva BridA so bila odkupljena za več mednarodnih zbirk sodobne umetnosti. Leta 2015 je za 20-letno uspešno delovanje na področju umetnosti prejel najvišje priznanje Mestne občine Nova Gorica, nagrado Franceta Bevka, leta 2018 pa mednarodno nagrado TESLA, ki jo podeljuje MoTA – Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti v Ljubljani. Med drugim so člani kolektiva prejemniki štipendij Iaspis, ki jih podeljuje Ministrstvo za kulturo Švedske in Culture Bridges, ki jo pod okriljem EU podeljuje British Council.

Umetniška produkcija kolektiva BridA posega v široko polje interdisciplinarnih umetniških praks. Umetniki posegajo v polje inovativnih tehnoloških in znanstvenih pristopov, ki na revolucionaren način odpirajo nove možnosti razumevanja sodobne umetnosti. S svojimi interaktivnimi projekti v umetniški proces aktivno vključujejo publiko, ki je skozi leta razvoja postala glavni akter njihovih umetniških projektov.

Umetniki: BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica
Kurator: Adrijan Praznik
Besedilo: Adrijan Praznik, BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica
Strokovni sodelavci: Andrej Brešan, Anja Novosel
Producent projekta: LokalPatriot / Platforma konS
Projekt sofinancirata: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj

Vizualija: Arhiv kolektiva BridA

—- ENG —-

The Plantportation research project has been conceived as a multi-layer venture into the dimension of quantum entanglement and thereby its possible theoretical consequences and interactions, which also include quantum teleportation. In science, the idea is presented with various theories that never give us a clear notion of the quantum dimension. Numerous scientific experiments such as the Loophole-free Bell inequality (John Stewart Bell, 1964), Ground-to-satellite quantum teleportation (Anton Zeilinger, Jian-Wei Pan, 2017) and Google’s quantum supremacy (Alphabet Inc., 2019) have confirmed and proven that there is quantum entanglement and thereby the possibility of quantum teleportation. What is intriguing and interesting in all of this is that this phenomenon still cannot be explained. Science admits that the existing theories do not suffice for the understanding of the entire quantum field and that the current phenomena have much greater potentials than we can imagine, but people need more tangible and intelligible results. From these phenomena, science fiction builds a fruitful literary and film production that interprets scientific results as magic or special effects, which pushes quantum nature even further into the background.

The goal of the BridA art collective is to build an inter-space that is difficult to imagine with our existing mental patterns. Such space takes form of a research module that enables us to bring together artistic ideas and scientific approaches. The Plantportation research project focuses on quantum entanglement and quantum superposition, which are at the core of the current scientific research into quantum computers or extremely rapid data transfer. Space and time become variables, while the observer becomes a medium through which quantum theory is actualised.

BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica

BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica is a collective consisting of graduates from the Venice Academy of Fine Arts, formed in 1996 during their university years. The group produces artwork across a wide spectrum of contemporary artistic practices, exhibits both locally and internationally and has participated in numerous international residency programmes, workshops and seminars. BridA’s works have been purchased for a score of international contemporary art collections. In 2015, they received the highest award of the Municipality of Nova Gorica, the France Bevk Prize, commemorating 20 years of their successful activity; in 2018, they received the international Tesla Award. They are recipients of the Iaspis scholarship awarded by the Swedish Ministry of Culture, and Culture Bridges, awarded by the British Council under the EU.

BridA’s artistic production extends to the broad field of interdisciplinary art practices. The artists draw on the field of innovative technological and scientific approaches that, in a revolutionary way, open new possibilities of understanding contemporary art. In their interactive projects, the audience is actively included in the artistic process. Thus, through the years, the audience has become the main actor in such projects.

Artists: BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica
Curator: Adrijan Praznik
Exhibition text: Adrijan Praznik, BridA/Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica
Expert associates: Andrej Brešan, Anja Novosel
Production: LokalPatriot / konS Platform

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union.

Visuals: Archive of the BridA art collective


13 maja, 2021
19:00 - 21:00


